Family Business

Lito Perezito’s REED 900: Family Business 
(A Detroit Become Human Fan Fiction)
Co-written with Linh Macdonald
Published: October 13, 2019

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RUSSIAN (by Shenovan): DRIVE ZIP
FRENCH (by Sylvester & me): DRIVEZIP
PORTUGUESE (by BeeboxRyden): DRIVE – ZIP
SPANISH (by Sofía Garrido & texs_sins): DRIVE ZIP
ITALIAN (by GiuliaOngaku and Hanel): DRIVEZIP


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so good… thank you! ♡♡♡

Dernière modification le 1 année il y a par Qua

Seriously I lost count of how many times I kept reading this again amd again. This is such a wonderful work! Thank u so much for this amazing work. I mean, each and every line was so perfectly designed that I’m borderline convinced they do exist in this world! You made them so lively!
Thank u again and I’m really looking forward to any of your new art!


Hello! Reading this again, I really love you Nivanfield and Reed900 comics, I have to come back frequently to enjoy them again. Thank you so much for your work, is amazing!


Do there have more comics about Detroit?


I am rereading this story All The Time. It is just soo good!


Conrad new apparence is all i live for, he is perfect. Love the comic


« and you are as predictable as your son » Double shots fired


I just re-read this, love the series so much!


I sincerely cannot believe how good this is. Your art and the story are amazing! Izzie is so cute! And Conrad is so hot! I did like him clean-shaven, but differentiating from Connor makes sense.