El Blaze & the King 2

Lito Perezito’s El Blaze & the King ¡Round 2!
(A fan-made Tekken x Virtua Fighter Comic)
Written and edited with the help of my editors Hobo,
Aimee, Nintendooski, Spenser.
Published: December 25th, 2023

Story: Shortly after King won his trial, El Blaze joins him to face a new round of challenges!

• 🔞 Scenes is are in DaemonColl’s Linktree

• Download from Google Drive:(English)


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brother DACHENG

Happy, I have successfully bought my favorite El Jefe. This is my first time to use international payment methods. I take back my last comment that there is no means of payment. I wish you a happy Lunar New Year in advance.


That cliffhanger!


Terrific fan content, a true talent. I hope there will be a third issue in the near future.


I just love how panchita gets involved in every situation possible




Lito, you’re sooooo extremely talented. I love the paneling and backgrounds you do for your comics. You have a real affinity for making compelling stories dude!

I’ll be sad when there is no more El Blaze & the King content. 🙁


Honestly I would have never guessed to see literal Satan in a comic about two gay wrestlers. What a chapter and that ending ❤❤❤


What A Chapter. Poor Lucas, for having to go through so much finding the truth, only to get shot down. I truly hope pushes through and has a second chance to revive, reunite with his brother, reconcile with everyone, especially Nacho, and redeem himself. At least things can finally calm down, now that Cayetana is no more. Good on Juan David for saving Miguel from falling, by clutching him by the boot. I liked how Sebastian came to by instantly waking up when the doctor pricked an incision on him. Reminds me similar to an epipen, smelling salt, adrenaline boost. Lastly, unexpected yet amusing to see Panchita undercover as a maid. Looking forward to the next chapter.


Chapter 8 brought me a lot of emotions: from surprise when Lucas discovered the truth, to sadness when the « witch » attacked Lucas, to anger when she wanted to kill all her children and happiness when I knew that « witch » had returned to where she belonged. I read this chapter before I went to work early this morning, it really made today very happy and full of energy, and I hope everyone will find happiness. I’m really happy that Sebastian still has time to find happiness for himself after knowing that he is free.


And thanks to Lito Perezito for writing such an emotional story!!